In-Line Balanced PressureProportioning Units (ILBP)

Chemguard In-Line Balanced Pressure Proportioners (ILBP's) are used with positive displacement foamconcentrate pumps and atmospheric foam concentrate storage tanks to form an in-line balanced pressureproportioning system.The Chemguard ILBP is designed to balance the incoming foam concentrate pressure with the incomingwater pressure and meter the correct proportion of foam concentrate into the water stream over a widerange of flows and pressures.
- UL Listed (All models with 3% AFFF, 4” & 6” models with 3%/6% AR-AFFF @ 3%)
- 5) Standard Sizes available. Three styles are available for each, standard arrangement, straight and manual override straight arrangement
- 2-1/2” Proportioning Controller has female NPT threaded inlet and male NPT threaded outlet connections
- 3”, 4”, 6” & 8” Proportioning Controllers are designed to fit between two 150 lb. ANSI flanges
- Balancing diaphragm valve ensures accurate proportioning over a wide flow range
- Compatible with all Chemguard foam concentrate
- All Brass construction with flexible stainless steel braided sensing hoses. Hoses have stainless steel fittings
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