Vertical and Horizontal Bladder tanks

The Chemguard Horizontal Bladder Tank is one component in a balanced pressure foam proportioningsystem. It requires no external power, other than the water pressure to ensure correct operation.The horizontal bladder tanks are designed and constructed in accordance with the latest revisions toASME code, Section VIII for unfired pressure vessels with a working pressure of 175 psi and tested to1.3 times this pressure.
- UL Listed
- FM Approved
- Bladder is manufactured of a vinyl based polymer, or a polyester reinforced copolymer (The bladder material shall have an ASTM D-142 Tensile Strength of at least 3000 psi and an ASTM D-624 Graves Tear).
- Strength of at least 420 lbs./in. Tanks are supplied with permanently mounted brass trim valves with Teflon seats.
- All valves are labeled showing normal working position and function.
- Lifting lugs are permanently welded to the tank with eyes of approximately 2” diameter.
- Both the vertical and horizontal tanks contain a perforated PVC center tube that assures maximum agent discharge.
- All tanks are approximately 10% oversized to allow for any thermal expansion of the foam concentrate.
- All tanks are supplied with a label, which identifies the type of foam. concentrate the system is designed for, the percentage ratio and the tank size.
- Tanks are painted red enamel.
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